“From Images To Memories”


The Lowry’s

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The wedding took place at Leila Arboretum

The Reception was at The Easley Mill  @ 717 E Bridge St, Plainwell MI 49080. Shockingly they dont have a website or Facebook link. Its a really cool place to have a reception. I found the light and colors to be very pleasing for a reception!

Josh and Erin

Love this couple, we met over some great coffee and from there just felt like friends. We started the day off at Design One Hair Salon doing some girls getting their hair and makeup done. The Design One staff were very pleasant and allowed me freedom to move around. We then did the getting ready at Orchard Hill Church where Josh and Erin met for the first time that morn all dressed up. We drove around in the party bus doing fun photos and group shots all around GR. The Ceremony followed at Orchard Hill Church. After the ceremony we went to Riverside Park and did some toasts and group photos and it was a good time! Upon arriving at my fav restaurant San Chez Bistro for the reception the wedding party donned the funny glasses with noses and mustaches for the whole wedding party in front of their party bus. Gotta love good props!

Design 1 Salon Spa (4485 Plainfield Avenue NE, Grand Rapids Charter Township, MI 49525)

Orchard Hill Church  (1465 3 Mile Rd. NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49544)

San Chez Bistro  (38 West Fulton, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 – 3rd floor)

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